Sunday, March 3, 2013

1 am and still awake

I would have never thought that not sleeping next to my husband would keep up for hours when I have to wake up at 8 to get ready for church. I am currently in St. George spending the weekend with my sisters. While Matt and his brother are down in California. After almost 10 months ( 2 more day's) I thought it would be nice to sleep in a bed all by yourself. NOPE! I was wrong it is horrible, there is no one right next to you. If you wake up in the middle of night, you can't hug that special someone. I wish he was with me right now. On a side note, this makes me realize that I love Matt more than I ever have. I was madly in love with him when we got married, but now I can honestly say I am more madly in love with him everyday that passes. I never understood that saying about loving someone more than the day you married them. It goes something like that I'm not sure. But, I understand that now!

Hopefully...I will be able to fall asleep in a couple minutes otherwise I will falling asleep during church andy that is no bueno! I'm very sad that Matt will not be coming in till late tomorrow, but as long as he gets here safe and nothing happens to him ( and my brother in-law) is all I care about. I will now try to get some sleep tonight in this queen size bed all by myself.

-Liz (Elizabeth)

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