Monday, March 18, 2013

17 more days....

The big move to St. George, 17 more days and we are out of here. I am so looking forward to having much warmer summers and not so cold winters. I am honestly shocked that I survived one winter up here with snow and freezing rain! We leave the 5th of April, thankfully Matt has all online classes and doesn't have to withdraw from any classes this semester. I am way excited for this move, we have most of stuff packed ,but the things like our bed and what not. I am a little sad to be leaving just because my niece and nephew are up here and they are the cutest kids in the world! No more babysitting for us. :( That is a big bummer. I am also am sad to be leaving my work at Kneaders, I love it there, the people the atmosphere. Hopefully, I  will be able to find something like that in St. George. Sadly, the Kneaders down there does not have any positions open at the moment. Sad thing. I will enjoy the heat of the sun down in St. George, I am such a Southern California girl. I love my summers, the heat. I only know who to dress for warm/hot climates. You give me cold/freezing and I will not know how to dress myself. Well, that is enough for now.

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