Mrs. Wright

                                        Elizabeth Wright 

                                                      Singer and Wife 

I grew up in the sunny state of California, Palm Springs is my home. Born and raised there I do not the cold weather, I love the heat, the feeling of the sun hit my face and feel its warmth. I love summer time, pools and enjoying spending time with my family. My family is Hispanic so I grew up with a lot of cousins my age, also a lot of aunts and uncles. I love having a good time and having fun. I also like being loud. I am a Soprano in the musical world. I love to sing off the top of my lungs. My wonderful husband has introduced me to the world of Skyrim and The Lord of the Rings. 

As my life gets more interesting I will update this. I want to become a full time stay at home wife. in order for that to happen I first to have children. Hopefully, children will be in our future. Sometime in the future.  

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