Monday, February 25, 2013

The Crossroads

I’m sitting in the darkness at 12:50 am MST. I should be in bed and asleep because I don’t do well on only 5 and a half hours of sleep. But instead I’m deciding to sit here on my computer and write about my life and the position I’m in.
I imagine myself walking a long a path, a path I chose long ago and thought that it would bring me to where I needed to go. Up ahead, I notice that I am soon to be confronted with a crossing path that would take me elsewhere. I know that up until this point the path I have been taking has let me down and I have lost the enthusiasm for it. I am weary of it and I need something more. It is a matter of self interest and self preservation that I must make this decision and not ignore it.
I have three choices: to continue along the path and ignore the crossing path, to turn left, or to turn right. The left path leads me to a warmer climate but uncertainty in both education and vocation. The right path leads me to a new vocation but the same, cold climate that’s far away from familiar faces. I forgot to say that I have a companion that travels with me. She would prefer the left path–where she can live close to friends and family. If I travel that path, my vocation and education will be, as I said, shrouded in uncertainty and I will have to start over from the beginning. If I choose the right path, at least I will have some sort of base in which to start something new. My vocation will be certain as well.
So I sit and wait, on these the crossroads of my life, pondering my choices. I am being pulled in different directions by different forces and I haven’t the strength to give way to any of them. But until I know what I must do, it is my destiny to sit in the middle of the Crossroads and wait and wait.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day

Elizabeth here today, my wonderful hubby posted about me in the last one. So I am going to return the favor. My writing however is going to be much nicer than what he wrote! I didn't get mad at him, because what he wrote is true! I am very weird and I am very glad that I have someone that I can be myself 100%. So, Valentine's Day is this week and I have been giving Matt TONS of grief on that he should get me something for this week! When I haven't a clue what I am going to do for him. SO......hopefully i can come up with something.
I do want to say a couple things about my wonderful husband. Matt really is one of the sweetest guys ever, whenever it snows here in Salt Lake he drives me to work. I know that may not seem like a big thing, but to me it is. I don't have much experience driving in the snow, so it's a big deal when he drives me to work. He also makes me start my Zumba almost everyday. I have wanted to do Zumba for a really long time and because we have a kincet for the xbox, he got it for me! Sweet, I know! However, I get very lazy somedays and I do not want to get up and dance! This is where Matt comes in and starts it up for me. Once I hear the music I am ready to get dancing!

To my husband, I know whatever you have planned for Valentine's Day I will love it because it came from you, and I love you very much.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Elizabeth and the "Evil Tourette's Syndrom"

First of all, I just want to mention two things before I write what I was going to write.

  1. I mean no disrespect to people who do suffer from Tourette's Syndrome.
  2. I love my wife and I post this in good humor when it comes to her wonderful personality.
I've noticed a couple times that my wife tends to do some weird things when she gets really excited. One of those things is when she raises her gnarled fist and at me makes an evil-sounding hiss. It's extremely funny and disturbing at the same time. If she and I didn't laugh about it afterwards, I would probably be a lot more concerned than I am now.

We were driving to Walmart the other night when she did the very same thing I mentioned above. She seems to do it in response to the heat of excitement she was in at the time. I can't remember the circumstances, but immediately after she did it, I determined to label this odd phenomenon that (as I suppose) I had not noticed before.

"Evil Tourett's Syndrome" I called it. This is because Elizabeth, for some reason, turns inexplicably evil for about a good 2 seconds before she notices my recoiling expression and we both break down into helpless laughter.

There are a lot of things I love about my wife and her personality (which is why I married her) but turning inexplicably evil  for two seconds has just taken a trophy in my book. I hope she doesn't hate me for this post but realizes instead that each of us have these quirks that we love about each other and makes us extremely unique. I hope that she can love me for mine as well.
