Sunday, January 27, 2013

Matt and Elizabeth

We have finally joined the blogging world as a couple! We also got our first email as a couple together! After 8 months of marriage my life still seems like a fairy tale, Matthew is the best thing that has happened to me. I love the fact I can be myself around him! We just finished the 6th season of Doctor Who!  I (Elizabeth) started watching the show because one of Matt's cousin said I would like it so I gave it try! I fell in love with it! I had watched all the way up until the 5th season when I convinced Matt to give it try. So we started the show all over and he seemed to really like it! It soon became a nightly thing where we would stay up until midnight watching Doctor Who and it was fun! I was very sad when we finished it the other night. I can't wait until they put up the 7th season on Netflix, but until then we are going to go back and watch the old ones! Matt just started his second semester here at the University of Utah. We live in a small apartment and we attend this awesome ward!  I believe we have one of the best callings ever! We have the chance to go to the Primary Children Medical Center. We visit the parents of the children and tell them that the church is there for them, we also have the men offer blessings to sick children. It is heartbreaking to see such young children in pain. We do have those children that have a smiles on. With the children smiling it makes our calling worth wild. We are very blessed to be visiting such amazing children once to twice a month. This is just a couple things we are blessed with in our life that we are staring together. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with the love of life!

-Elizabeth Wright

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