Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hey! Matt Wright here, reporting in for the first time on this blog that I share with my wife, Elizabeth. Just a little introduction about myself,

I married the most beautiful woman in the entire world on May 05, 2012 in St. George, Utah and we are currently living in Salt Lake City. I currently work at the J. Willard Marriott Library on the University of Utah campus. I am a manuscripts assistant and my job is to organize and refolder collections that were donated to the library. I prepare these collections to be researched by patrons of the library. It sounds slightly boring, but I love my job. I am also currently attending the U of U full time. My major is in History and my current plan is to get into the State Department for my career.

I am also a very ambitious writer. At age 8, I wrote my first story. Since then, I've written 8 novels. I am currently in the process of publishing one of them right now actually! (More details to follow later)

Another thing about me is that I love video games. I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember. My favorite game is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (I got Elizabeth hooked on it as well).

Anyways, I hope that's a good enough introduction for everyone. It should be interesting to see how this blog evolves!


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