Sunday, January 27, 2013

Elizabeth's LIfe

Let's see what I can tell you guys about myself. I am 4'11 so I am very short. I love high heels just for the fact that they make me taller. I love to sing, I usually sing so loud that I am almost certain our neighbors can hears us. Well we do live in a apartment where the walls are paper thin. I am currently working at Kneaders where the food is amazing and is the best job ever! Even though sometimes it is really long and boring the customers are interesting. My coworkers are pretty dang awesome too! 

I am married to Matt, of course! I couldn't be more happier! We got married on May 5, 2012 we were married and sealed in the St. George temple. We met at Dixie State in St. George I never thought when I moved there I would meet the man I would marry. I remember our first date when we had gone to Dixie rock and climbed and talked for a good couple hours, we then watched the movie Real Steel and it made me want a robot that could fight! I wouldn't know what to use it for but who cares it would awesome!

Now forward 8 months where we are now, living in Salt Lake where our Sundays consist of watching old tv shows from our childhood. It usually means I pick the shows that include Hey Arnold, Fairly Odd Parents, Avatar the Last Airbender etc. So its always nice to watch to be able to be myself around him! I couldn't be more happier! Matthew really is the best husband ever! There is a little about myself and what I like to do. I'm going to enjoy some Netflix on this lovely snowy night. :) 

-Elizabeth Wright   

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